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 Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 34
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2013

Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects Empty
MessageSujet: Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects   Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects EmptyMer 6 Mai 2015 - 2:32


the French Maurice Percheron designer joined the Donnet company in 1919,after replacement
Denhaut,and began to create a new series of aircraft,the "DP",consider a mystery in the world
of aviation,very little known info about him;

The DP-10 was triplane flying boat,may be a project,DP-15 was three seat seaplane,DP-18 was
three seat recce seaplane,does anyone know more ?.

Also in 1923,he created a unmanned drone aircraft project,may be the earlier in France,but
they were not interested.


Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects DP18_zpsncizc1wj

Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects AvionSansPilote_zps3bce8p09
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Nombre de messages : 34
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2013

Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects   Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects EmptyMer 6 Mai 2015 - 16:22


in 1926,and for the competition of Observation and Recce Catapult Launch aircraft,
Percheron submitted a project to compete; Latham-230,Besson MB.35,Romano R.4,
Levy-Biche LB.4,Gourdou-Leseurre L2,FBA-17HL-1 and Villiers Vil.11.

Does anyone hear about it before ?.
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Nombre de messages : 34
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2013

Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects   Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects EmptyVen 8 Oct 2021 - 14:11

His series;

P.10 was a three engined high seas flying boat,in total powered
of 1100 hp engines,improved DD.10
P.11 ? maybe a single seat biplane small seaplane,powered by one
pusher engine,Project
P.12 ? maybe a two-seat biplane seaplane,with one tractor engine
and had one central main float under the fuselage,and two float
under the wing,Project
P.13 ? maybe a two-seat biplane seaplane,powered by two engines
in tractor position,Project
P.14 ? maybe a two-seat biplane seaplane,powered by single engines
in tractor position,Project
P.15 was enlarge version of P.10,with enclosed cabin to accommodated
a 12 passenger,but powered by four 450 hp Renault engines
P.16 or DP.16 ? maybe was a developed version of P.15,powered by
three engines,and could accommodated 30 passenger,1920 Project
P.17 or DP.17 ? maybe a unmanned drone and radio controlled
P.18 or DP.18 was a three-seat recce sesquiplane seaplane,powered by
one 400 hp Lorraine 12 Db engine,1923
P.19 or DP.19 ? maybe a observation and recce catapult launch seaplane,
intended for 1924/25 competition
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Nombre de messages : 2990
Age : 68
Localisation : DRAGUIGNAN (83)
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2009

Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects   Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects EmptyLun 18 Oct 2021 - 10:08

Les sources concernant Maurice Percheron, ne sont guère nombreuses.


Le forum Secret projects aurait-il fait le tour de la question ?

Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects 18.1

Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects 18.2

Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects 18.5

Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects 18.3

Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects 18.4
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MessageSujet: Re: Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects   Maurice Percheron Aircraft Prototypes and Projects Empty

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