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 Do 215 Querqeville

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3 participants
Do 215
Do 215

Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2013

Do 215 Querqeville Empty
MessageSujet: Do 215 Querqeville   Do 215 Querqeville EmptySam 1 Juin 2013 - 23:18


Je suis Suedoise, Je parles un peus Francaice mais j'nai ecrivé bien.

My appologies for addressing you in English! I read French fairly OK so feel free to respons in French.

I'm looking for information on a Do 215 that made an emergency landing at "Querqeville" close to Cherbourg. I guess it happened in 1940 or 1941. One landing gear collapsed during the landing. Does anyone know the date, unit or circumstances related to this incident?


Stockholm, Suede
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Nombre de messages : 2084
Age : 58
Localisation : orléans
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2007

Do 215 Querqeville Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do 215 Querqeville   Do 215 Querqeville EmptyDim 2 Juin 2013 - 5:40

Bienvenue parmi nous Do 215 Querqeville 01
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Nombre de messages : 8804
Age : 63
Localisation : Sud de l'Essonne
Date d'inscription : 05/12/2006

Do 215 Querqeville Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do 215 Querqeville   Do 215 Querqeville EmptyDim 2 Juin 2013 - 20:37

Do 215 Querqeville 28 Hi Mikael, Welcome on board !

I believe it is the same query than on this english forum 2 years : http://forum.12oclockhigh.net/showthread.php?t=24771

Citation :

Hello Mike,

Is this info all you have or do you have perhaps info about what happened to the crew? My Do215 database reveals one loss in 'northern France' which is not very specific:

Do215 B-1 (Wnr. 0022), 4./(F)AGr. ObdL, code G2+HH (HM is more likely), 5 June 1940, 2 KIA, 2 WIA, crew of pilot Lt. von Brandt

and there is another loss in the general area of the Normandy:
Do215, (F)AGr. ObdL, further details unknown, near Le Havre, 2 KIA, 1 WIA

Other Do215 crashes in France were reported at
Neufchateau (31 July 1940),
Evreux (2 March 1941),
Le Bourget (10 March 1941),
Villeneuve-Orly (21 March 1941),
FlH. Orly (19 August 1941) and
FlH. Villaroche (3 August 1943)
all to far away from the Cherbourg peninsula.

Not a conclusive answer but perhaps a start in the good direction. All the best,

Marcel Hogenhuis / Study Group Venlo Airfield in WW-2

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Do 215
Do 215

Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2013

Do 215 Querqeville Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do 215 Querqeville   Do 215 Querqeville EmptyDim 2 Juin 2013 - 21:37

Merci Beaucoup!

Yes, it is indeed still the same question that so far lacks the correct answer. It is definately not W.Nr. 0022.

The background is that I have a photo showing the forward part of the Do 215 with a collapsed landing gear, slightly bent propellers and it is captioned "Querqeville" on the back. Assuming the caption is correct none of the recorded incidents match. I'd say that the damage was limited to 10-20%. I'd say Querqeville would be a possibly location for an emergency landing of a Do 215 returning from a reconnaissance mission over England.

By asking the question on this forum I hope to reach someone with deeper knowledge in local incidents in France than is possibly present in TOCH forum. May be smaller incidents like this are covered in articles or books published locally in the Cherbourg area or have even been documented by for example local police etc in reports?

Best regards
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