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 Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36

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5 participants
Romantic Technofreak

Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyDim 27 Fév 2005 - 12:45


I would like to accept the invitation Vespasiano made on tgplanes.com. I am German, I don´t speak French, although I understand some expressions because I had Latin in school. I am a WWII-aircraft-addict, including a strong sympathy for French aircraft, since I went through aviafrance.com and ailes-royales (this site about the French Naval Air Force sorrily doesn´t exist any more).

On tgplanes.com, I use to create "duel" topics for to discuss about two comparable aircraft. Often, the response is good, but sometimes I am not satisfied. So let me continue here the duel between

Marcel Bloch MB 152:

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 A017

and Curtiss P-36:

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 0841

I hope you are interested and may say something to this "inner-French" duel. As I can´t see how to post a link here, let me quote some opinions mentioned on tgplanes com:


Citation :
Both planes were very close. The MB 152 had the edge in speed and armament, was a fraction lighter but didn't have the endurance of the Hawk 75. Unlike the Hawk, the MB 152 was later developed ( under the vichy govt' ) into a speedy fighter that would eventually top 400mph but wasn't put into production, Curtiss opting for the move to the Allison and the P-40.
The RAF tried a comparison with the Hawk 75 and a Mk 1 Spitfire and found the Hawk almost equal apart from speed.
I would like to read reports on the MB 152's flying ability.


Citation :
The MB152 had stability problems, and drum-fed magazines. Both in the negative against the curtiss product.

I hope you enjoy this!

Regards, RT
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Nombre de messages : 431
Localisation : La ville du pastaga eh con! Massilia!
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyDim 27 Fév 2005 - 16:51

Thx a lot, but I know more things about german's planes than french's planes...
I only know that le MB152 had very good armament thanks to his 2hispano 20mm mounted in the wings.
And that both planes were very strong, hum could fly with a lot of hits. :?
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Capitaine de frégate
Capitaine de frégate

Nombre de messages : 7088
Age : 35
Localisation : Toulon (83)
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyDim 27 Fév 2005 - 17:12

Hello Technofreak! welcome
Thank you for this duel, this is very interesting... if you want we can create an english part on this forum, it could be easier for you... Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 052
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Adrian Von Berg
Adrian Von Berg

Nombre de messages : 1968
Localisation : Paris-Est
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyDim 27 Fév 2005 - 18:58

Hallo Technofreak !! Wilkommen...

Ich bin wie Niklaus, ich kenne ganz besser die Deutsche Flugzeuge als die Französiche...
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Romantic Technofreak

Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyLun 28 Fév 2005 - 23:12

Thank you for your answers, friends! A special English forum for me isn´t necessary. I was just hoping for some "experts" about French aircraft, I would have a lot of questions as time goes on... hello
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Capitaine de frégate
Capitaine de frégate

Nombre de messages : 7088
Age : 35
Localisation : Toulon (83)
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyMer 2 Mar 2005 - 19:54

En fait Adrian, tu disais quoi en Allemand? Je parles assez bien Anglais et Espagnol, mais là... angry
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Nombre de messages : 431
Localisation : La ville du pastaga eh con! Massilia!
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptySam 5 Mar 2005 - 23:12

Ben je parles pas allemand, mais il a dit:
Je suis comme Niklaus, je connais mieux les avions allemands que les Francais.
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Capitaine de frégate
Capitaine de frégate

Nombre de messages : 7088
Age : 35
Localisation : Toulon (83)
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptySam 5 Mar 2005 - 23:15

ok, merci...
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Capitaine de frégate
Capitaine de frégate

Nombre de messages : 7088
Age : 35
Localisation : Toulon (83)
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyDim 6 Mar 2005 - 19:55

c'est intelligent, on se retrouve avec un allemand qui préfère les avions français, et des français qui préfèrent les avions allemands... angry
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Nombre de messages : 888
Age : 38
Localisation : je vous ai dans le colimateur!! mouahahahahah! (Besançon)
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyLun 7 Mar 2005 - 21:51

arf comme quoi....
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Capitaine de frégate
Capitaine de frégate

Nombre de messages : 7088
Age : 35
Localisation : Toulon (83)
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyLun 7 Mar 2005 - 23:02

...comme quoi l'aviation est vraiment une passion internationale! :D
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Capitaine de frégate
Capitaine de frégate

Nombre de messages : 7088
Age : 35
Localisation : Toulon (83)
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyDim 13 Mar 2005 - 13:39

We have made a small file about the Marcel-Bloch MB-152 :
Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 052
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Capitaine de frégate
Capitaine de frégate

Nombre de messages : 7088
Age : 35
Localisation : Toulon (83)
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2005

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyDim 13 Mar 2005 - 13:40

Trop tard, il est passé sans s'arrêter...
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Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 EmptyDim 13 Mar 2005 - 14:40

Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Lastofight5ty
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Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36   Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36 Empty

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Duel: Marcel Bloch MB 152 vs. Curtiss P-36
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